Sustainability is the foundation of our business.

Power & Air Solutions is a full-service energy provider
We offer an extensive service portfolio that covers the entire process chain around the procurement, provisioning, and delivery of energy.

Our structured sourcing of energy ensures the early, predictable coverage of the required energy volumes at stable prices. Since 2020, we have covered the needs of our customers from the information and communication technology sector exclusively with green electricity.

We focus on signing power purchase agreements as an active contribution to Germany’s energy transformation. We support the construction of new, zero carbon footprint electricity generation facilities and ensure the further use of systems which produce energy in line with the German Renewable energy Act and whose subsidies have expired. Our PPAs cover the full spectrum of renewable energies: solar, wind, and hydropower.

We have been continually expanding our internal generation capacity for many years now, supporting increasing energy independence for our locations.

We manage our energy volumes in a separate balancing group and ensure optimized coverage of our consumption through efficient, predictive timetable management.

Internal power generation is an important tool when it comes to accelerating sustainability at our company. We use a variety of tools:

  • We install photovoltaic systems on rooftops and in open spaces
  • We pilot the construction of wind turbines, particularly small wind turbines for our mobile base stations
  • We install combined heat and power units in our equipment buildings and use the waste heat for absorption chilling and supplying heat to the buildings
  • On-site consumption: The electricity produced by our system is used directly by the telecommunications equipment, supporting decentralized power generation in Germany

Metering point operations

Power & Air Solutions performs metering point operations for Deutsche Telekom and its central offices and delivery points at over 100,000 metering points, including radio locations, central offices, and street cabinets. We aim to provide the maximum possible transparency for usage. This involves a variety of activities:

  • Implementing the statutory and regulatory requirements of the Metering Point Operation Act (Messstellenbetriebsgesetz – MsbG)
  • Procurement, inspection, and requirements planning of hardware (meters, smart meter gateways, and so on)
  • Planning and coordination of installation services at metering points in collaboration with Deutsche Telekom Außendienst (DTA)
  • Administration and operation of metering and administration systems (GWA/EMT)
  • Plausibility checks, provisioning, and billing of consumption data and ensuring market communications (SAP IS-U)
  • Identifying potential in the energy market

Energy management, energy efficiency

Power & Air Solutions is certified under DIN ISO 9001, DIN ISO 14001 (environmental management), and DIN ISO 50001 (energy management).

The systematic operation of our energy management system enables us to improve our energy efficiency on an ongoing basis. Documentation of energy consumption figures and energy performance KPIs over a longer period are the foundation for our planning processes.

Through our energy strategy and objectives, we create a reliable basis for innovation and investment decisions, as well as the continuous improvement of our energy efficiency.

Thanks to our energy management system, we have achieved an outstanding average PUE value of 1.4 for our infrastructure. The various measures that we have derived from our energy management system have enabled us to reduce energy consumption by 274 GWh per year in recent years.

Our activities are particular focused on the energy planning process and ongoing identification of potential improvement of energy-related performance.

Reference projects

Power purchase agreements (PPA)

We focus on signing power purchase agreements as an active contribution to Germany’s energy transformation. We currently have agreements with Statkraft, Verbund, and MVV, among others. We strive to achieve a mixed portfolio, with all renewable energy types and different terms, and continuously expand our portfolio to meet this goal.



Please feel free to ask us about Power & Air Solutions, our availability products, and our electricity delivery. There are several ways you can get in touch with us and find the right contact person.

Contact us here

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