The majority of telecommunications equipment requires direct current electricity. To provide this with high reliability and in top quality, Power & Air Solutions uses rectifier systems in standby parallel operation with batteries. Thanks to these systems, Deutsche Telekom’s network is protected against power failures and disturbances in the upstream energy grid. In normal operations, the rectifiers transform alternating current into direct current. When needed, the batteries take on energy supply uninterrupted with -48 or -60VDC.
The portfolio of Power & Air Solutions has more than 9,000 of these UDCPSs (uninterruptible DC power supplies) in its control centers alone (CORE/aggregation/access). We operate 30,000 more rectifier systems at our mobile base stations and around 130,000 rectifier systems in our street cabinets, the gray boxes at the side of the road.
These systems are currently being retrofitted to minimize the transformation losses of these power electronic systems. Older rectifier devices are being replaced with highly efficient modules. This increases the efficiency of the UDCPSs from around 90% to nearly 98%. These reduced losses also result in less waste heat, which in turn lowers cooling requirements, boosting the conservation effect even further. With this approach, we ensure an efficient, sustainable energy supply for telecommunications and information technology.