Our availability product makes the telecommunications network fail-safe

Our availability product consists of three product modules: climate, current, and reserve time.
Through integrated planning and configuration and the reliable delivery of customer-specific solutions, we guarantee maximum reliability of Deutsche Telekom’s communication network in Germany – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Our technical infrastructure is the backbone for the security of Deutsche Telekom’s data networks.

Our technology and our portfolio

We provide fail-safe equipment to our customers. Our production facilities are state of the art and are operated in an energy-optimized way. Examples of our system portfolio include (figures are rounded):

  • 45,000 interior ventilation systems
  • 20,800 battery systems with a total capacity of 15,000,000 Ah (ampere hours)
  • 1,450 emergency generation systems
  • 1,200 uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems
  • 9,000 rectifier systems

We operate these systems at over 7,700 sites throughout Germany.
We define the site design and determine the requirements, tools, and processes for assessing the asset portfolio and deriving reinvestment measures.


Innovations and reference projects

We always have our finger on the pulse of current happenings and explore the market for new technologies and infrastructure solutions.
We test innovative approaches and efficient technology in pilot projects and integrate them in our portfolio.

Rectifier replacement program

The majority of telecommunications equipment requires direct current electricity. To provide this with high reliability and in top quality, Power & Air Solutions uses rectifier systems in standby parallel operation with batteries. Thanks to these systems, Deutsche Telekom’s network is protected against power failures and disturbances in the upstream energy grid. In normal operations, the rectifiers transform alternating current into direct current. When needed, the batteries take on energy supply uninterrupted with -48 or -60VDC.

The portfolio of Power & Air Solutions has more than 9,000 of these UDCPSs (uninterruptible DC power supplies) in its control centers alone (CORE/aggregation/access). We operate 30,000 more rectifier systems at our mobile base stations and around 130,000 rectifier systems in our street cabinets, the gray boxes at the side of the road.

These systems are currently being retrofitted to minimize the transformation losses of these power electronic systems. Older rectifier devices are being replaced with highly efficient modules. This increases the efficiency of the UDCPSs from around 90% to nearly 98%. These reduced losses also result in less waste heat, which in turn lowers cooling requirements, boosting the conservation effect even further. With this approach, we ensure an efficient, sustainable energy supply for telecommunications and information technology.

Cable support system

A cable support system is a universal system for laying cables and lines. It is the global standard for industrial applications. Since 2021, the cable support system is being used to build new equipment rooms for Power & Air Solutions, instead of the previously implemented cable grid. By using this standard material, we can cut costs by up to 50%.
The cable support system completes the technical infrastructure of IT rooms, alongside a reliable energy supply and climate-control technology.

Climate models

We guarantee failsafe operation of telecommunications equipment through optimal air conditioning of our equipment rooms. Our buildings and equipment rooms may differ in their sizes, but they all have the best possible composition of ventilation and air conditioning technology. Raised floors, energy-efficient cold aisles, and optimized climate models are used as needed. Optimized climate models in combination with free cooling minimize the need for mechanically generated cooling, ensuring cost-efficient operation of all systems.
The cooling systems are updated continually, which also improves environmental performance.

Heat pumps

To heat and cool our buildings and equipment as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible, we use large heat pumps with maximum energy efficiency and operational reliability. We use available thermal energy to heat and cool our buildings, for industrial heat recovery, and for process technology to achieve economic efficiency, protect the environment, and comply with European and German energy efficiency guidelines. Through the use of renewable energy sources and waste heat, we guarantee energy supply and availability in the long term and risk-free.

Combined heat and power units (CHPs)

Combined heat and power units are an important part of our sustainability strategy for network availability.
CHPs generate local base load-capable electricity and heat at one location and have a much higher utilization factor than a combination of local heating and central energy supply.

By rolling out CHPs at our locations, we can cover up to 60 % of our heating and electricity needs. The majority of our CHPs runs on sustainable biogas. We are also monitoring the market and looking for technological breakthroughs with climate-neutral hydrogen.


Fuel cells

The generation of electricity with fuel cells is not a 21st-century invention. The first fuel cell was invented in the 19th century. Power & Air Solutions has been exploring fuel cell systems since its founding (2004) and has tested a variety of types. With their high efficiency and low emissions, there is no doubt that fuel cells are a future technology, although it has failed to enter widespread use – primarily for economic reasons.

The current environmental, economic, and socio-political framework reinforces arguments in favor of using this technology.

As the company responsible for energy procurement and availability for Deutsche Telekom in Germany, we have identified the following potential use cases:

Energy generation via high-temperature fuel cells
Autonomous energy supply of locations in hybrid constellations (photovoltaic/wind/batteries/fuel cells)
Low-temperature fuel cells as emergency generation systems
Alternative emergency generation systems with high-temperature fuel cells
In April 2022, Power & Air Solutions began operating an SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) to generate electricity, including waste heat utilization.

Photovoltaic systems

We have been installing photovoltaic systems at our sites for many years and using the generated energy to power our equipment. In addition to classic construction on rooftops and in open spaces, we have teamed up with partners to develop our own solutions for use in the telecommunications sector. For example, we are piloting the installation of PV panels for the direct supply of Deutsche Telekom’s street cabinets.

To supply self-sufficient electricity to mobile base stations, for example, we use photovoltaic systems in combination with fuel cells, CHPs, and battery storage.


Enabling an always-available supply of renewable energies is the goal of the energy transformation. To achieve this, we use a variety of battery storage technologies, such as large-capacity storage systems and availability stores.

The intelligent control of these battery storage systems for peak shaving, intensive grid use, control energy, and optimization of our own use, we help make the grid more stable and provide availability for fluctuating renewable energy sources around the clock.



Please feel free to ask us about Power & Air Solutions, our availability products, and our electricity delivery. There are several ways you can get in touch with us and find the right contact person.

Contact us here

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